Professional Development Courses

Stepping Into The Classroom

A short-course for Waldorf Substitute Teachers

Instructor: Betsy Weill

Dates - Wednesdays, February 5th and 12th

Times - 10:30am to 12:00pm PST

Cost: $100

Session 1:

Session 2:

Participants will need to arrange 2-3 classroom observations during morning or main lessons before meeting on February 5th.  

We will send registered participants a list of guided observations to make notes on during your visit to a local classroom.  These observations will support your work as a substitute and will provide a basis for discussion and further learning in the course.

More courses coming for 2025!

Please see below for our offerings from 2024!

Online Handwork Intensive Course

Online Handwork Intensive Course

Instructors: Narsingh Khalsa and Pamela Shafer

Dates - July 5-7

Times - 8:00am to 3:30pm PST

Cost: $500

This program is a fully online and live, interactive course using Zoom. Students will learn the skills needed to knit, crochet, sew, and felt. If students already have knowledge in some areas, more challenging projects will be provided to keep students moving forward and learning new skills. Lessons will tie back to Steiner’s indications and help students understand the WHY and the HOW of developing Rudolph Steiner’s indications with fiber arts (soft Handwork).

Seeds, Roots and our Family Gardens

An Online workshop for leaders of Parent and Child classes

Cost: $200

Instructors: Somer Serpe & Leslie Wetzonis Woolverton

Sunday, July 21 - Monday July 22, 2024

10:30-2:30 PT/ 1:30-5:30 ET

Child and Parent Programs for children from Birth to Three have been central to building community at Waldorf Schools.

When we offer Parent and Child programs we sow the seeds of this community to grow and celebrate the young child’s first journey outside the family. We cultivate a mood of love and joy as children set roots and grow from infancy and their first steps into their full toddlerhood. 

In this two-day workshop, Somer and Leslie will share insights and wisdom out of their experience in leading programs with young children before the age of three.  

Participants will also experience curriculum ideas for the very young child, age-appropriate circles and stories that emphasize appreciation and wonder at the world, and ideas for purposeful work and seasonal crafting for the adults. Most importantly, participants will understand the importance of building trust and relationship with the full family!

Embracing Cultural Consciousness

An Online course exploring personal biases, increasing racial literacy and acquiring new insights and resources

Cost: $250

Instructor: Kenya Strong

Monday, July 15 - Friday July 19, 2024

10:00 - 12:00 PT/ 1:00 - 3:00 ET

The goal of this course is to help participants embrace inner freedom through illuminating cultural awareness.

The Art of Teaching Spanish 

An Online workshop for Spanish Teachers

Cost: $450

Instructors: with Clara Vélez and Ornella Betancourt

August 26 - August 30, 2024

8:00am to 12:00pm PT

This course is intended for new and experienced teachers of Spanish who are seeking to expand their understanding of Waldorf education and enhance their repertoire in the areas of music, poetry and role playing. This Course will be taught in Spanish.

Creating a Circle of Warmth and Love

An Online introductory Course for Waldorf Early Childhood Assistant Teachers.

Cost: $300

Instructors: Holly Koteen-Soule, Somer Serpe & Leslie Wetzonis Woolverton

Monday, August 26 - Wednesday, August 28, 2024 10:30 am-2 pm PT/1:30-4 pm ET

and Saturday, September 14 - Saturday, September 28, 2024 9 am – 12 noon PT/ noon – 2 pm ET

This program is offered in two parts. The first part is in August is a 3 day live online course, where participants will be introduced to the principles of Waldorf early childhood development and the essential qualities of the Waldorf early childhood environment.

The second part, in September is a follow-up to support teachers after they have entered the classroom, with additional content and the opportunity to ask questions.

World Language Mentoring

World Language Mentoring

Maria Cardenas. Dates TBD. Please reach out to or to register.

The fee for participation in the group mentoring sessions is $350. The fee for participation in the individual mentoring sessions is $100 per 1 hour session.

Inner Work :

The Practice of Self Care for Teachers

Inner Work: The Practice of Self Care for Teachers

Cost: $120

Instructor: Robyn Jones

South Whidbey Community Center

Wednesday, February 21 - Thursday, February 22

As Waldorf teachers, we live our lives in service. How can we include care of ourselves in our inner work practice?  This is an opportunity to take a look at our lives and discover how we might enrich, nourish, simplify and sustain ourselves as we take up the work of being a Waldorf teacher.

Robyn Jones has been a Waldorf class teacher and a movement teacher, and for the past 20 years, has worked as a licensed massage and craniosacral therapist.  She is currently deeply involved in the practice of Rhythmical Massage Therapy as indicated by Ita Wegman MD, a student and colleague of Rudolf Steiner. Robyn lives and works on Whidbey Island and enjoys seeing her two adult children take up their lives, and loves having time with her two granddaughters.  

The Art of Child Study :

The Riddle of the Child

The Art of Child Study: 

The Riddle of the Child

Cost: $180

Instructor: Anouk Tompot

South Whidbey Community Center

Sunday, February 18 - Tuesday, February 20

We all know that we live in a time in which children face a large number of jarring, even hostile, forces. We also know that children are becoming increasingly sensitive and vulnerable. It is all the more important as parents and teachers that we become attuned to the deeper needs of children, and how to respond to them. In this workshop, you will learn to enhance and trust different faculties of observation and knowledge, as well as how to use the myriad dimensions of the Waldorf curriculum as a healing remedy. Anouk will present exercises and experiences from her lifelong study of anthroposophy, from four parts of her professional experience as a Child Study Facilitator, a Waldorf Teacher, a phenomenological biologist, and a psychosynthesis/anthroposophical life coach. Anyone who loves and works with children is more than welcome to join.